Saturday, January 11, 2020

Aruthra 2020

On 10th January Aruthra Darisanam Festival was celeberated at the Karpaga Vinayagar Temple in a
grand manner. It begins with the Cow Pooja at 5.30 A.M and after the recitation of Thirvempavvai,
the procession started at 6.45 A.M and reached temple around 8.15 A.M. A large number of devotees
participated and received the blessings of Lord Nataraja and his consort Sivakami. Some of the
photos are displayed here.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Thiruvasaka mutrothal at Thirukovilur thabhovanam

On 10th January Aruthra Darisanam Festival was celeberated at the Karpaga Vinayagar Temple in a
grand manner. It begins with the Cow Pooja at 5.30 A.M and after the recitation of Thirvempavvai,
the procession started at 6.45 A.M and reached temple around 8.15 A.M. A large number of devotees
participated and received the blessings of Lord Nataraja and his consort Sivakami. Some of the
photos are displayed here.